An Overview of Perioperative Medicine 2024: From Outpatient Preoperative Assessment to Inpatient Postoperative Care

Amelia Island, FL US
September 10, 2024 to September 14, 2024

This course offers Live (in-person) and Livestream (virtual) attendance options.

Course Directors: Karen F. Mauck, M.D., Karna K. Sundsted, M.D., Geno J. Merli, M.D., and Howard H. Weitz, M.D.

September 10 - 14, 2024 - The Ritz-Carlton - Amelia Island, Florida

Mayo Clinic's An Overview of Perioperative Medicine is intended to update general internists, internist subspecialists, family medicine specialists, anesthesiologists, surgeons and other healthcare professionals on perioperative assessment and management. This course focuses on the practical, clinical side of preoperative assessment and postoperative management. The course features a collaborative faculty of multispecialty experts in perioperative medicine from both Mayo Clinic and Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University.

Workshop Opportunities

Workshop Option #1: The Multidisciplinary Approach to Perioperative Medicine

Multidisciplinary teams play a crucial role in the continuum of perioperative care. This workshop will demonstrate the value of preoperative evaluations, delve into documentation and billing , and discuss effective management of complex patients.

Workshop Option #2: Using Point of Care Ultrasound in Your Perioperative Practice

This introductory, hands-on workshop will explore the fundamentals of POCUS and its relevance in the perioperative setting. A didactic opening will be followed by hands-on scanning of live models using a combination of handheld and cart-based ultrasound machines from various vendors. Stations will include inferior vena cava, jugular venous pressure, lung, bladder, kidney and basic cardiac views.

Target Audience

This course is designed for clinicians who see perioperative patients, including internists, hospitalists, family physicians, surgeons, anesthesiologists, NPs, PAs, and nurse anesthetists.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:

  • Apply a systematic approach to preoperative risk assessment in patients with various medical comorbidities.
  • Recommend the appropriate continuation and discontinuation of medications and nutraceuticals in the perioperative setting.
  • Assess a variety of medical comorbidities in the perioperative setting.
  • Identify risk reduction strategies that impact important postoperative outcomes.
  • Assess patients for substance use in the perioperative setting.
  • Apply updated guideline recommendations to your perioperative practice.
  • Identify various cardiovascular conditions in the perioperative period.
  • Analyze anticoagulants perioperatively.
  • Examine perioperative fluid management.
  • Discuss management of a variety of medical comorbidities in the perioperative setting.
  • Recommend appropriate perioperative management for patients with substance use.
  • Examine how ultrasound can enhance volume assessment of the perioperative patient.

Attendance at any Mayo Clinic course does not indicate or guarantee competence or proficiency in the skills, knowledge or performance of any care or procedure(s) which may be discussed or taught in this course.

Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 31.75 AAPA Category 1
  • 29.75 ABIM
  • 29.75 ABS
  • 31.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
  • 31.75 ANCC
  • 31.75 Attendance
  • 31.75 IPCE
Event starts: 
09/10/2024 - 7:30am
Event ends: 
09/14/2024 - 12:15pm

PDF / Printable Version      



An Overview of Perioperative Medicine 2024:

From Outpatient Preoperative Assessment to Inpatient Postoperative Care Ritz-Carlton, Amelia Island, FL and LIVESTREAM

**All times noted are Eastern Time (ET)**

September 10 – 14, 2024


Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 10, 2024

6:30 a.m.            Registration and Continental Breakfast

Perioperative Medicine Panel #1 and Anesthesia Topics

7:30 a.m.            Welcome and Course Overview

7:45 a.m.            Perspectives on the Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Perioperative Medicine
Moderator:  Margaret Beliveau, M.D.

Panel:  John Bundrick, M.D., Adam Jacob, M.D., and Krystin A. Hidden, M.D

  • What are the roles of the medical consultant?
  • What should a preoperative evaluation include?
  • How can a multidisciplinary approach optimize patient care?

8:15 a.m.            Anesthesia Alerts for the Non-Anesthesiologist
Douglas Pfeil, M.D., Ph.D.

  • Is general anesthesia more risky than spinal anesthesia for some patients?
  • How do I counsel my patients about energy drinks, alcohol, nicotine the night before surgery?
  • What should I tell the patient about fasting?
  • How do I accurately assign an ASA score?
  • What are some of the post-anesthesia issues you might encounter?
  • What should the consultant know about tranexamic acid intraoperatively?

Cardiovascular Medicine Topics, Part 1

9:00 a.m.            Cardiac Risk Assessment: Using Guidelines to Direct Practice
Karen F. Mauck, M.D.

  • How do I apply the current ACC/AHA guidelines to preoperative cardiac risk assessment?
  • Should I use risk calculators?
  • How might the Canadian and EU Guidelines impact my practice?
  • Which patients should have NT-PROBNP and/or Troponins preoperatively?

9:45 a.m.            Cardiac Risk Reduction Strategies – Medical and Interventional

                            Howard H. Weitz, M.D.

  • What are the risks of general vs spinal anesthesia with respect to cardiac outcomes?
  • What is the evidence for perioperative beta-blocker, statin and alpha-2-agonist use?
  • When is cardiac revascularization indicated prior to non-cardiac surgery?
  • How long should patients wait to have surgery after MI or revascularization?

10:30 a.m.         Question and Answer Session

                            Karen F. Mauck, M.D. and Howard H. Weitz, M.D.

 10:45 a.m.         Refreshment Break       

Cardiovascular Medicine Topics, Part 2 and Clinical Shorts

11:00 a.m.          Management of Non-CAD Heart Disease in Non-Cardiac Surgery

                            Howard H. Weitz, M.D.

  • How do I manage a patient with valvular heart disease perioperatively?
  • How soon after valve replacement can non-cardiac surgery be performed?
  • What issues need to be considered for a patient with heart failure preoperatively?
  • What are the issues with preoperative hypertension?
  • What are the preoperative issues for patients with chronic atrial fibrillation?
  • What perioperative issues need to be considered in a patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?
  • What are the indications for a temporary pacemaker in the perioperative period?
  • How do I manage pacemakers and CIEDs in the perioperative period?

11:45 p.m.         Clinical Shorts

                            Cardiac Stress Tests

                            Christopher A. Dinh, M.D.

  • How do I choose a cardiac stress test?

Preoperative ECG and Echocardiogram

Brian M. Dougan, M.D.

  • When are preoperative ECGs and echocardiograms indicated?

Myocardial Injury after Non-Cardiac Surgery (MINS)

Dennis W. Regan, M.D.

  • Is MINS significant and is there any evidence-based treatment?
  • Which patients should be surveilled for MINS?

                            Pulmonary Hypertension

Kathryn T. del Valle, M.D.

  • What perioperative issues need to be considered in a patient with pulmonary hypertension or elevated right sided pressures on TTE?

12:45 p.m.         Question and Answer Session

                             Howard H. Weitz, M.D., Christopher A. Dinh, M.D., Brian M. Dougan, M.D., Dennis W. Regan, M.D., and Kathryn T. del Valle, M.D.

1:00 p.m.           Adjourn


6:30 a.m.            Breakfast with the Professor featuring Tuesday’s Course Faculty  

  • Come with questions, discussion and your tough cases for the course faculty!

Pain Management and Substance Use Topics

7:30 a.m.            Pain Management in the Perioperative Period
Eric S. Schwenk, M.D.

  • What are the key issues in patients on chronic opioids preoperatively?
  • What are the common PCA doses for postoperative pain control?
  • What are some of the basics for use of ketamine and multimodal analgesia postoperatively?
  • What are the commonly used opioids in the postoperative setting and how do I choose (elderly, renal failure, liver disease)?
  • How should patients on multiple sedating medications postoperatively be monitored?
  • What is the best strategy for prescribing opioids on hospital discharge?

8:15 a.m.            Managing the Patient with Perioperative Substance Use Disorders

                            Charles P. Reznikoff, M.D.

  • How do I screen for substance use preoperatively?
  • Are there drug interactions with cannabis and what are the other perioperative considerations in patients with regular or recent cannabis use?
  • What are the perioperative issues with the use of common substances such as methamphetamine, heroin, and cocaine?
  • When should surgery be delayed our postponed in patients with substance use?
  • How do I manage patients on Suboxone and methadone perioperatively? 
  • How can I use prescription monitoring programs in the perioperative setting?

9:15 a.m.            Question and Answer Session

                            Eric S. Schwenk, M.D. and Charles P. Reznikoff, M.D.

Clinical Shorts

9:30 a.m.            Non-Cardiac Device Management 

                            Adam K. Jacob, M.D.

  • How do I manage non-cardiac devices perioperatively, such as deep brain stimulators, pain pumps, acupressure devices, etc?


Margaret Beliveau, M.D.

  • Does exercise prehabilitation have a role in some patients prior to surgery?

Preoperative Anemia and Iron Therapy 

David Raslau, M.D.

  • When should I consider perioperative iron therapy and how is it administered?

10:15 a.m.          Refreshment Break
10:30 a.m.         Laparoscopic Surgery and Patient Positioning – Why it Matters

                            Adam K. Jacob, M.D.

Physiologic Effects of Anesthetic Drugs

Douglas Pfeil, M.D., Ph.D.

  • What does the medical consultant need to know about the paralytic agents and the physiologic effects of anesthesia?

Alcohol Use Disorder in the Perioperative Setting

Charles P. Reznikoff, M.D.

  • How should I manage patients with AUD in the perioperative setting?

11:15 a.m.         Question and Answer Session

                            Adam K. Jacob, M.D., Margaret Beliveau, M.D., David Raslau, M.D.,

Douglas Pfeil, M.D., Ph.D., and Charles P. Reznikoff, M.D.

Perioperative Medicine Panel #2

11:30 a.m.         Stop or Go?  Perioperative Show Stoppers

                            Moderator:  Rick Silbert, M.D.

Panel:  Karen Mauck, M.D.  Adam Jacob, M.D., Joan M. Irizarry Alvarado, M.D., Dennis Regan, M.D.

  • What patients are not appropriate for outpatient surgery?
  • Outpatient preop for next day surgery – who should be delayed?
  • First case! Are there hospitalized patients with an urgent surgical indication who would benefit from 24-48 hours of medical optimization?
  • What are some of the issues that justify delaying surgery?                   

Infectious Disease

12:00 p.m.         Perioperative Infectious Disease Issues

                            Mary J. Kasten, M.D.

  • How do I approach the postoperative fever workup?
  • Which patients need antibiotic prophylaxis perioperatively and for how long?
  • Do I need to order a urinalysis and culture prior to total joint surgery?
  • Is there a role for the use of probiotics to prevent postoperative infections?

12:30 p.m.         Perioperative COVID-19 Issues

                            David M. Phelan, M.D.

  • What is the best approach for preoperative COVID-19 testing?
  • How do I manage a patient who is COVID-19 positive and requires urgent surgery?
  • How long should patients wait to have surgery after COVID-19 infection?

12:45 p.m.         Question and Answer Session

                            Mary J. Kasten, M.D. and David M. Phelan, M.D.

1:00 p.m.           Adjourn

Optional Workshop with Lunch (pre-registration required)

1:20 p.m.  - 3:20         Workshop Option #1: The Multidisciplinary Approach to Perioperative Medicine

                             Adam K. Jacob, M.D.; Karna K. Sundsted, M.D.; Karen F. Mauck, M.D., Geno J. Merli, M.D., Margaret Beliveau, M.D., James W. Manz, M.D., Joan M. Irizarry Alvarado, M.D., Lisa M. Belch, APRN, C.N.P.; Jessica A. Lindblom, APRN, C.N.P.; Shari M. Phelan, P.A.-C.

  • Review the role of NP/PAs, anesthesiologists, internists, and hospitalists in the continuum of perioperative care at Mayo
  • How do patients get triaged for video vs face-to-face visits?
  • How is the EMR used to perform the preoperative checklist?
  • Which patients require a more complex preoperative evaluation with an anesthesiologist or internist?
  • How does the patient flow work in the preop clinic?
  • How are patients with anemia or penicillin allergy managed preop?
  • How are complex postoperative patients managed in the inpatient setting?
  • How are learners incorporated in the perioperative setting?


1:20 p.m. - 4:20          Workshop Option #2: Using Point of Care Ultrasound in Your Perioperative Practice

                             Joshua Overgaard, M.D., Will M. Schouten, M.D., David N. Brennan, M.D., John B. Bundrick, M.D., Christopher A. Dinh, M.D., Bright P. Thilagar, M.D.

  • What are the basics of POC ultrasound and how can it help me in the perioperative setting?
  • How can I quickly assess for fluid status at the bedside?
  • What brands of handheld ultrasounds are available?
  • This workshop will include a hands-on opportunity to use a handheld device to assess the vena cava


Thursday, September 12, 2024

6:30 a.m.            Breakfast with the Professor featuring Wednesday’s Course Faculty  

  • Come with questions, discussion, and your tough cases for the course faculty!


Cardiovascular Part 3, Medication and Fluid Management Topics


7:30 a.m.            Managing Postoperative Cardiac Complications 

                            Howard H. Weitz, M.D.

  • Which patients should have an ECG and/or troponin surveillance for postoperative MI?
  • How do I manage hyper- and hypotension postoperatively?
  • What are the precipitating factors for postoperative arrhythmias and conduction disorders and how do I manage them?
  • Which surgeries and patients have high risk for postoperative atrial fibrillation? Are there ways to prevent postoperative atrial fibrillation? How do I manage postoperative atrial fibrillation?
  • How do I diagnose and manage postoperative myocardial ischemia and infarction?
  • How important is “troponin leak” postoperatively?
  • What special perioperative management is needed for patients with heart failure (systolic heart failure and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction)?

8:15 a.m.            Understanding Perioperative Fluid Management

                            John B. Bundrick, M.D.

  • What is unique about fluid management perioperatively?
  • Which is better-- liberal or restrictive fluid management?
  • What type of fluid is optimal?
  • How can POC ultrasound be helpful in fluid management?

8:45 a.m.            Perioperative Medication Jeopardy

                            Host: Christopher R. Stephenson, M.D.

  • What overarching issues need to be considered for perioperative medication management?
  • Test your knowledge of the how to manage common perioperative medications!
  • Learn how to manage herbals/supplements, weight loss drugs and ICIs
  • Apply the SPAQI consensus statements to perioperative medication management

9:45 a.m.            Question and Answer Session

                            Howard H. Weitz, M.D., John B. Bundrick, M.D., and Christopher R. Stephenson, M.D.

10:00 a.m.         Refreshment Break


Rheumatology and Hip Fracture


10:15 a.m.         Perioperative Rheumatology Considerations

                            Ashima Makol, M.B.B.S. (*virtual)

  • How do I manage DMARDS and other rheumatologic medications in patients who require surgery?
  • What are the perioperative risks associated with rheumatologic diseases?
  • How do I diagnose and manage acute crystalline arthritis in the surgical patient?


10:45 a.m.         Perioperative Management of Hip Fractures: Internal Medicine and Orthopedic

                            Surgery Perspectives

                             Karna K. Sundsted, M.D. and Krystin A. Hidden, M.D.

  • What are the areas of collaboration and controversy in the management of patients with hip fracture?
  • How long do we have for medical optimization of hip fracture patients?
  • What are some hip fracture basics that are helpful to the internist?

11:30 a.m.         Question and Answer Session

                            Ashima Makol, M.B.B.S., Karna K. Sundsted, M.D. and Krystin A. Hidden, M.D.

11:45 a.m.         Lunch On Your Own


Pulmonary and Geriatric Topics


1:15 p.m.            Preoperative Pulmonary Risk Stratification, Risk Reduction and Postoperative Management Strategies

                            Sandeep R. Pagali, M.D.

  • Which factors contribute to pulmonary risk in non-cardiac surgery?
  • Which pulmonary risk index best predicts postoperative pulmonary complications?
  • When is pulmonary testing recommended preoperatively?
  • What measures can be employed to help minimize postoperative pulmonary complications in at-risk patients?
  • How should I approach a new oxygen requirement postoperatively?
  • When should postoperative non-invasive ventilation be considered?

2:00 p.m.           Perioperative Care of the Elderly Patient 

                            Margaret Beliveau, M.D.

  • How old is too old to consider surgery?
  • What are the risk factors and preventive measures for postoperative delirium?
  • What diagnostic workup is recommended for patients with suspected postoperative delirium?
  • Do DNR orders need to be suspended prior to surgery and if so, when should DNR orders be reinstituted postoperatively?

2:30 p.m.           Recognizing and Addressing Frailty

                            Donna Miller, M.D.

  • How is the frailty index used to identify patients at risk of postoperative complications?
  • Are there preoperative management strategies to address frailty?
  • How should frailty be managed in the postoperative period to minimize risk?

3:00 p.m.           Question and Answer Session

                            Sandeep R. Pagali, M.D., Margaret Beliveau, M.D., and Donna Miller, M.D.


Perioperative Medicine Panel #3


3:15 p.m.           Acute Postoperative Complications Not to Miss

Moderator: Karna K. Sundsted, M.D.

Panel:  Deanne T. Kashiwagi, M.D., Aditya P. Devalapalli, M.D., Bright P. Thilagar, M.D., Gururaj J. Kolar, M.D.

  • When should I be concerned about fat embolism syndrome and how is it treated?
  • What is an important cause of fever in patients who have undergone spine surgery?
  • When should retroperitoneal hematoma be considered in a patient with postoperative anemia?
  • What are some important clinical features of postoperative compartment syndrome?      

4:15 p.m.            Attendee Reception

4:45 p.m.           “Consult Guys” Presentation: 

                             (CME credit will not be provided for this session)

       Geno J. Merli, M.D. and Howard H. Weitz, M.D.

5:15 p.m.           Adjourn

FRIday, september 13, 2024

6:30 a.m.            Breakfast with the Professor featuring Thursday’s Course Faculty


Sleep Medicine and Neurology Topics


7:30 a.m.            Management of Documented or Suspected Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery

                            Eric Olson, M.D. (*virtual)

  • What are the consequences of OSA in the perioperative period?
  • What factors increase risk of postoperative complications in patients with OSA?
  • How should patients be screened for OSA?
  • What are the risks of obesity hypoventilation syndrome?
  • Which patients need to be tested prior to surgery to decrease the risk of potential complications?
  • Which patients can be treated as “presumed” OSA and proceed with surgery with additional precautions?
  • Are there guidelines available to help guide management of patients with OSA in the perioperative period?
  • What postoperative monitoring is recommended for patients with suspected or confirmed OSA?

8:15 a.m.            Managing Patients with Neurologic Disease in the Perioperative Period

                            Andrea N. Leep Hunderfund, M.D., MHPE

  • How do I manage patients with seizure disorder in the perioperative period?
  • How do I manage patients with Parkinson’s disease perioperatively?
  • What do I do if I find an asymptomatic carotid bruit during a preoperative evaluation?
  • How do I determine appropriate timing for elective surgery after ischemic stroke?

8:45 a.m.            Question and Answer Session

                             Eric Olson, M.D. and Andrea N. Leep Hunderfund, M.D., MHPE


VTE Prophylaxis, Hematology and Anticoagulation  

9:00 a.m.            DVT/PE Prophylaxis in the Surgical Patient I: The Internist’s Perspective

                            Geno J. Merli, M.D.

  • What are the patient- and surgery-related risk factors for perioperative DVT; what tool should I use to calculate risk?
  • What guideline should I use for DVT prophylaxis in surgical patients?
  • When is extended DVT prophylaxis indicated?
  • How does renal function affect the management of DVT prophylaxis?
  • How do I determine which patients are at increased risk of postoperative bleeding?

9:30 a.m.            DVT/PE Prophylaxis in the Surgical Patient II: The AAOS Guidelines and the

                            Orthopedist’s Perspective

                            Krystin A. Hidden, M.D. 

  • What concerns do orthopedists have about DVT prophylaxis?
  • What are the AAOS Guideline recommendations for DVT prophylaxis in orthopedic surgical patients?
  • When is extended DVT prophylaxis indicated and which agent is best?

10:00 a.m.         Perioperative Management of Direct Oral Anticoagulants

                            Geno J. Merli, M.D.

  • How long should I hold dabigatran, rivaroxaban or apixaban before surgery?
  • Now that some reversal agents are available, should we routinely be using these to expedite DOAC reversal preoperatively in patients who need urgent surgery?
  • When should target specific oral anticoagulants be restarted postoperatively?
  • Do patients on target specific oral anticoagulants need to be bridged?
  • How do I manage prolonged DVT prophylaxis in patients who are also taking dabigatran, rivaroxaban, edoxaban or apixaban?
  • How should we reverse these agents if major bleeding occurs?


10:30 a.m.         Question and Answer Session

                            Geno J. Merli, M.D. and Krystin A. Hidden, M.D. 

10:45 a.m.         Refreshment Break


11:00 a.m.         Cases from the Vascular Clinic

                            Matthew Bartlett, M.D.

  • Which patients with atrial fibrillation need bridging anticoagulation perioperatively?
  • Which patients with mechanical heart valves need bridging anticoagulation perioperatively?
  • Can you recommend an approach to anticoagulation dosing and the timing of bridging?
  • How and when should anticoagulation be restarted after surgery?

11:30 a.m.         Perioperative Management of the Patient with Kidney Disease

Andrea G. Kattah, M.D.

  • What perioperative issues do I need to consider for a patient with kidney disease?
  • How do I manage patients with advanced kidney disease, at risk for requiring perioperative hemodialysis?
  • What are the key considerations for patients on peritoneal dialysis?
  • How do I prevent acute kidney injury in the perioperative period?
  • Which electrolyte abnormalities should delay surgery?
  • Are there some key perioperative recommendations for patients who are on the kidney transplant list?


    12:15 p.m.         Question and Answer Session

                                 Matthew Bartlett, M.D. and Andrea G. Kattah, M.D.

    12:30 p.m.         Adjourn

    SATURday, september 14, 2024

    6:30 a.m.            Breakfast with the Professor featuring Friday’s Course Faculty


    Perioperative Endocrine and Nephrology Topics

    7:30 a.m.            Managing the Diabetic Patient in the Perioperative Period

                                Vinaya Simha, M.B.B.S., M.D.

    • Should I be screening for diabetes preoperatively in patients who are at risk?
    • When would I recommend postponing an elective surgical procedure because of poor diabetic control?
    • How should I manage patients on insulin therapy in the perioperative period?
    • How should I manage patients on oral hypoglycemics in the perioperative period?
    • How should I manage patients on insulin pumps in the perioperative period?
    • What is the optimal glycemic control in the postop setting?

    8:15 a.m.           Common Hematology Issues in the Perioperative Period

      Rajiv K. Pruthi, M.B.B.S.

    • Which transfusion strategy is best in the perioperative period—conservative or liberal?
    • What should trigger transfusion in the postop period?
    • When are factor concentrates and/or FFP indicated preoperatively?
    • What is the role of platelet transfusion in patients taking antiplatelet agents who need emergent or urgent surgery?
    • How do I diagnose and treat heparin induced thrombocytopenia in the perioperative period?
    • How do I manage non-HIT thrombocytopenia?
    • How do I manage patients with sickle cell disease perioperatively?


      9:00 a.m.            Perioperative Management of Endocrine Issues:  Stress Dose Steroids, Adrenal

                                  Insufficiency, Thyroid Disease

                                  Vinaya Simha, M.B.B.S., M.D.

      • What issues do I need to consider in patients with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism in the perioperative period?
      • Which patients should have thyroid function testing preoperatively?
      • Who is at risk for adrenal insufficiency perioperatively?
      • How do I determine the need for and the dose of stress dose steroids in the surgical patient?
      • Do patients who receive dexamethasone for prevention of nausea and vomiting also need stress dose hydrocortisone as well?                      

      9:30 a.m.            Question and Answer Session

                                  Vinaya Simha, M.B.B.S., M.D. and Andrea G. Kattah, M.D.

      9:45 a.m.            Refreshment Break


      Gastrointestinal and Nutrition Topics

      10:00 a.m.            Perioperative Management of the Patient with Liver Disease

                                  William Sanchez, M.D.

      • How do I approach preoperative risk assessment in a patient with liver disease?
      • What is the VOCAL-PENN Score?
      • Which patients with liver disease may not be good candidates for elective surgery due to a significant increase in perioperative morbidity and mortality?
      • What are the common postoperative issues for patients with advanced liver disease and clinical pearls for managing them?
      • What do I need to know about managing the transplant patient undergoing non-cardiac surgery?

      10:45 a.m.         Management of Postoperative Gastrointestinal Complications

                                  Arya B. Mohabbat, M.D. (*virtual)

      • How do I prevent and manage postoperative nausea and vomiting?
      • How should I evaluate a patient with postoperative diarrhea?
      • What agents are recommended to prevent stress related mucosal disease in the surgical patient?
      • How do I manage postoperative constipation and postoperative ileus?

      11:15 a.m.         Perioperative Nutrition Considerations

                                  Ryan T. Hurt, M.D., Ph.D.

      •  from a preoperative nutrition consultation?
      • What preoperative testing is useful to assess nutritional status?
      • Does optimizing nutrition preoperatively improve outcomes?
      • When should patients receive TPN in the perioperative setting?
      •  What can be done postoperatively?

      11:45 a.m.         Question and Answer Session

                                  William Sanchez, M.D., Arya B. Mohabbat, M.D. and Ryan T. Hurt, M.D., Ph.D.


      Finale: Perioperative Literature Update


      12:00 p.m.         Recently Published Practice Changing Evidence in Perioperative Medicine

                                  Maleka Khambaty, M.D.

      • What are some of the key perioperative publications from the past year?
      • How do I apply this recent evidence to my practice?
      • What are some of the limitations of the publications?


      12:30 p.m.         Adjourn

      The Ritz-Carlton
      16600 street
      Amelia Island, FL 88251
      United States
      +1 (904) 277-1100

      Discounted rooms are available at the Ritz-Carlton, Amelia Island with a special rate starting at $339/night.

      Reserve your room online any time or call (904) 277-1100, ask to speak to in-house group reservations and identify yourself as a participant of the Mayo Clinic Overview of Perioperative Medicine 2024 conference when making your reservation.
      ***You may contact the hotel to be added to a wait list if you are not finding the dates you would like for your reservation.

      Reservations must be made by Monday, August 19, 2024, or before the group rooms are sold out, whichever comes first. Prevailing rates may apply after this date or when the group rooms are sold out, whichever occurs first. Rooms are subject to availability. Group rates apply three days prior to and three days after the course dates, based on availability.  After Monday, August 19, 2024, reservations will be taken on space and rate availability.

      More lodging options:

      Residence Inn


      Spring Hill Suites

      Omni Hotel


      The mandatory daily resort fee of $25 per room per night includes the following:

      • Enhanced Wireless In-room Internet Access for up to 5 Devices
      • Local, Toll-free and Domestic Long-Distance Phone Calls
      • Fitness Class of the Day
      • Bicycle usage for up to two bikes, for 2 hours
      • Golf Club Driving Range Balls and use of Golf Practice Facilities
      • Tennis Court privileges, including racquet and balls, for one hour
      • Beach Umbrella (one per room)
      • Beach Boogie Boards (up to 1 per day, per room)

      All travel and lodging expenses are the sole responsibility of the individual registrant.

      Accreditation Statement
      In support of improving patient care, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

      Credit Statement(s):

      Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science designates this live activity for a maximum of 31.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

      Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science designates this activity for a maximum of 31.75 ANCC contact hours. Nurses should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

      Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science has been authorized by the American Academy of PAs (AAPA) to award AAPA Category 1 CME credit for activities planned in accordance with AAPA CME Criteria. This activity is designated for 31.75 AAPA Category 1 CME credits. PAs should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation.

      This activity was planned by and for the healthcare team, and learners will receive 31.75 Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) credit for learning and change.

      American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM)
      Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the participant to earn up to 29.75 MOC points in the American Board of Internal Medicine’s (ABIM) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. It is the CME activity provider’s responsibility to submit participant completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABIM MOC credit.

      American Board of Surgery (ABS)
      Successful completion of this CME activity enables the learner to earn credit toward the CME requirement of the American Board of Surgery’s Continuous Certification program. It is the CME activity provider's responsibility to submit learner completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABS credit.

      Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
      Through an agreement between the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, medical practitioners participating in the Royal College MOC Program may record completion of accredited activities registered under the ACCME’s “CME in Support of MOC” program in Section 3 of the Royal College’s MOC Program.

      Other Healthcare Professionals:
      A record of attendance will be provided to all registrants for requesting credits in accordance with state nursing boards, specialty societies or other professional associations.

      Wednesday - Optional Workshop2.00

      For disclosure information regarding Mayo Clinic School of Continuous Professional Development accreditation review committee member(s) and staff, please go here to review disclosures.

      Available Credit

      • 31.75 AAPA Category 1
      • 29.75 ABIM
      • 29.75 ABS
      • 31.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
      • 31.75 ANCC
      • 31.75 Attendance
      • 31.75 IPCE

      This course offers the unique opportunity for commercial companies to interact with healthcare providers and highlight their products and services. Please see the following information if you are interested in exhibiting at or sponsoring this course:
      Sponsorship Prospectus (PDF) 

      Submit information/requests to Jessica Sorensen

      Please login or register to take this course.
      Please login or register to take this course.
      Please login or register to take this course.
      Please login or register to take this course.
      Please login or register to take this course.
      Please login or register to take this course.


      Please update your profile to let us know if you have dietary restrictions or access requirements.

      To claim credit for livestream participation in this course, learners must view the content during the hours posted for the live activity.  This course is not approved for on-demand delivery. 

      Commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion​ 

      Mayo Clinic School of Continuous Professional Development (MCSCPD) strives to foster a learning environment in which individual differences are valued, allowing all to achieve their fullest potential.  

      Cancellation and Refund Policy

      View Cancellation and Refund Policy

      All requests must be submitted in writing using the Contact Us Form.

      Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions of Registration.